
2 Articles
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Aswin Bahar Setiawan
3 Min Read

Beasiswa-id.net akan membahas beasiswa luar negeri untuk S2 dan S3, tepatnya beasiswa KAIST 2017/2018 di Korea Selatan untuk program pascasarjana. Diantara sekian banyak Universitas di Korea Selatan, KAIST merupan salah satu Universitas favorit disana. KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) merupakan Perguruan Tinggi…

Papa Sean
1 Min Read

Beasiswa-id- By providing support for Korean studies courses and establishing professorships at distinguished universities abroad, the foundation hopes to enhance the international community’s understanding and knowledge of Korea. In addition, the foundation has been expanding Korean studies courses across different regions of the world with the…