Beasiswa-id- By providing support for Korean studies courses and establishing professorships at distinguished universities abroad, the foundation hopes to enhance the international community’s understanding and knowledge of Korea. In addition, the foundation has been expanding Korean studies courses across different regions of the world with the KF Global e-School video lecture series.

In order to expand overseas research regarding Korea, distinguished foreign scholars and experts who are selected for the fellowship will be invited to Korea and receive financial support for their research.

The fellowship provides assistance to Korea-related humanities and social sciences scholars for one to six months to pursue research and write scholarly papers (includes Korean studies or Korea-related comparative studies and case studies).

Approximately 30 professors and researchers from overseas universities are selected annually for Field Research Fellowship Korean. The award includes round-trip airfare and living expenses in Korea.

Eligible ApplicantsAvailable Scholarships
MA and PhD candidatesKorean Language Training Fellowship and Graduate Studies Fellowship
PhD candidates in dissertation stageField Research Fellowship
Recent doctoral recipientsPostdoctoral Fellowship
Appointed foreign professors (Korea-related research)Field Research Fellowship

For more information please click here

About the Author

Papa Sean

Saya adalah seorang yang sudah merasakan mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah S2 yang diperoleh dari Dikti. Karena merasa bersyukur mendapatkan kesempatan melanjutkan kuliah maka saya akan ikut berbagi informasi yang saya punya tentang beasiswa agar siapapun yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah juga merasakan apa yang saya rasakan yaitu menerima beasiswa. Terimakasih

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